I. Domain Management
II. Legal
III. Pre/Post Registration Requirements
IV. Rates
V. Premium Domains
VI. Free Domains
VII. Periods
I. Domain Management
The management of domain extensions is carried out at the highest level by registries.
Each organization that handles the administration of a domain extension (registry) has its own operating rules.
Among these, we can generally mention the following:
II. Legal
- privacy policy
- terms and conditions
- dispute policy
- transfer procedure
The registration of domains will be carried out under the terms and conditions applicable to each domain extension, terms and conditions available via the link next to each extension offered for registration in the table on this page.
III. Pre/Post Registration Requirements
Most extensions are activated shortly after payment confirmation, however, there are also extensions for which additional procedures are required that will directly result in a longer activation/transfer time:
- additional documents
- specific technical settings for nameservers
- creating a mailbox
- rules regarding the naming or content of the domain name
In most cases, special conditions are imposed on country code top-level domains (ccTLD), but this is not a general rule. We recommend consulting the terms by accessing the extension in the table below.
IV. Rates
Any action taken on domain names (registration / renewal / transfer) is carried out only based on transaction processing, respectively, payment confirmation, through one of the communication channels provided by Hostico.
- domain registration
- domain renewal
- transfer fee
- reactivation fee
- redemption fee (added to the renewal fee)
V. Premium Domains
Within the same domain extension, there may be different rates for certain names. These domains are known as premium domains and represent domains that the registrar or legal holder considers to be worth a higher rate. The reason may be due to the defining value of the business area of the name, e.g.: auto, host, news, the short name of the domain (1-4 characters), or simply because that is how the registrar of the extension believes. Usually, the rate for these domains is displayed at the time of checking their availability, but it is possible that the rate is only visible when attempting to actually register the domain; therefore, the communication of the actual rate may occur only after the attempt to register the domain by Hostico.
VI. Free Domains
The free offer regarding domain registration or transfer is only valid if the respective domain is purchased together with a hosting package whose billing period is at least one year.
This free offer is available only for the first year of registration, any period selected beyond this first year as well as the renewal of the domain will be charged according to the annual rate displayed for the domain extension.
The domain extensions to which this promotion can be applied are: .ro .com .eu .org .in .us .co.uk .uk.
This list may be periodically expanded or restricted by Hostico.
Free domain registration is offered only for the main name associated with the hosting package (according to the current offer at the time of purchase) and implicitly only in the case where it does not exist.
In the event that the name exists, the customer may instead benefit from free transfer for the respective domain.
Both in the case of domain transfer and registration, if the customer has not opted for free service, they have 30 days from the date of order activation to take advantage of this offer.
Registration as well as domain transfer are processed automatically upon order activation.
VII. Periods
Some requirements may change, which is why clients are encouraged to periodically consult this page before taking any action on a domain name:
- minimum/maximum registration
- minimum/maximum renewal
- grace period
- redemption period
What must be noted is that it is the client's duty to ensure that the domain they register does not infringe any intellectual property rights. Additionally, the domain owner assumes responsibility for indemnifying, defending, and supporting the innocence of both Hostico and the registrar/domain extension registry in the face of any claims for damages, liabilities, and costs that may arise as a result of the domain registration. Regarding the transfer of the domain from one registrar to another (the organization delegated by the registry), the usual requests are that it should not be locked at the registrar level, and the cost of the transfer usually involves extending the domain's validity by one year. Also, to initiate the transfer procedure, an authorization code obtained from the registrar from which the domain will be transferred is required.
The lifespan of a domain is exemplified in the following image:
During the grace period, domain renewal usually does not require additional fees, but we cannot guarantee this aspect. During the redemption period, however, redemption fees will certainly be required. Our recommendation is that the fees related to domain renewals be paid before the due date/expiration date. The data in the following table is presented for informational purposes. We cannot guarantee the recovery of an expired domain even if the redemption fee is paid.