Transfer Wizard

55 websites migrated in the last month
Metodă Oferă-ne acces la date
Upload Backup
Backup Link
Control Panel
Select File
Maximum backup size: 10GB
The file name
Progress bar
Maximum backup size: 10GB
Access Link ex:
Nume de utilizator Access username
Password Access password
Additional Information Information needed to complete the transfer
Data Security: The transmitted data is encrypted, confidential and is used solely for the purpose of data migration in accordance with the Hostico Terms and Conditions.
Upload Information: maximum supported size 10GB, and the accepted extensions are .zip, .tgz, .tar.gz
Ooops Please enter your email address
Ooops Please select the hosting name (hostname)
Ooops Please choose a hosting package
Ooops Please schedule the transfer
Ooops Please upload the backup file
Ooops Please provide a link to the backup file.
Ooops Please provide an access link.
Ooops Please provide a username for authentication
Ooops Please provide an authentication password
Ooops Please accept the Hostico terms and conditions
Accept the terms and conditions of Hostico